Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Order of Operations (Beyond PEMDAS) - What to do first

OOO Tools
So in working on my Algebra course I needed to come up with a way to have the kids learn about the Order of Operations.   So my first attempt is to create some "playthinks" that kids can use to not only learn about, but also to communicate their understanding.  I created the playthinks in Etoys, as it allows the kids to manipulate and use the playthinks in a presentation to demonstrate their understanding (well that's the plan anyway ;)  Above is an image from my first effort.  Kids can create their own number pictures and use them as well. Any item dropped into a "variable box" will automatically resize to fit. You can even drop other operations into the "variable boxes".

Etoy Project Here
Please let me know what you think and any ideas for improvements.

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