Thursday, December 1, 2011

Etoys/Google Apps Integration takes 2nd place at Google Hackfest

Steve Thomas and Brett Schlueter 
A lot of fun at Google Apps Hackfest in NYC (although I thought it was a Google App Engine Hackfest and had to do some quick thinking to come up with a new project idea).  There's a lot to be said for having the API authors there with you to get you quickly over technical hurdles (special thanks to Vic Fryzel for his help).

We were able to use exported images from an Etoys book to create a Picasa Web Album and a Google Doc with images from the Etoys project, that could be commented on by the teacher.  We were also able to integrate this into Google App Engine to play a slideshow of the project pages and have a link to the google doc, so a teacher could comment on it, or the student could use it, to further describe the project.

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